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Press On's
Custom Sets
Please note: it is a 14 business day processing time before item(s) are shipped, except sizing kits and pre-sized.
We thank you for taking the time to see what we have to offer. There are a lot of options but in specific categories for easy access. We have shipped to so many states so far and we are so excited to color in every state. We look forward to your order or answering any questions you may have.

Measuring Options
Please choose the option that best fits your needs. Any of the options are accurate in measuring.
Please allow ship time for sizing kit before placing an order
Adult Sizing Kit
Kid's Sizing Kit
Toe Sizing Kit
0-9 sizes for $2.99
you can click on photo to add to cart

Coin Method
Take two photos.
First photo, lay your hand flat and place coin next to your hand. Second photo, top view of thumb with coin. This method is free, you must email in photos with your full name and shipping address
How to Measure at Home

must add in measurements when checking out for custom fit sets
must email in coin method photos

Customized Sets
Freestyle Press On Options

The Goodies

Nail Testimonies

Art for Days
The Past 3 Years
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